Обычная версия сайта
Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7(7172)38-15-85
e-mail: office@kazaids.kz
website: www.astana-aids.kz
Center for Dermatology and Prevention of Sexually Transmitted Diseases
tel.: +7(7172)22-60-92
e-mail: info@derma.kz
website: www.derma.kz
Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7 7272 46 53 36
e-mail: center@gcaids.kz
website: www.gcaids.kz
Skin and venereological dispensary
tel.: +7(7272)74-11-56
e-mail: venerakvd@mail.ru
website: www.almaty-kvd.kz
Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7(7252)56-27-70
e-mail: aidis-shm@mail.ru
website: www.ukoaids.kz
Regional Dermatovenereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7252)49-03-54
e-mail: odvd_uko@mail.ru
website: www.okvd.kz
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7162)25-75-39
e-mail: spid@akmzdrav.kz
веб-сайт: www.spidcentr.akmol.kz
Regional Multidisciplinary Hospital
tel.: +7(7162)26-61-61
e-mail: aob_koksh@akmzdrav.kz
website: www.mob.akmol.kz
tel.: +7(7162)33-80-25
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7132)21-01-78
e-mail: aktobespid@med.mail.kz
website: www.aids-aktobe .kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7132)21-11-47
e-mail: kozhvendisp@mail.ru
website: www.kozhven-aktobe.kz
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7272)91-35-63
e-mail: kadry@almaty-obl-aids.kz
website: www.almaty-obl-aids.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7272)61-38-18
e-mail: aokvd@med.mail.kz
website: www.almaty-okvd.kz
Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7(7122)21-22-18
e-mail: atyrauspidcentre@mail.ru
website: www.atyrauspidcentre.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7122)28-25-97
e-mail: adm@kozhvendispanser.kz
website: www.kozhvendispanser.kz/
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7232)26-59-99
e-mail: vkooc@med.mail.kz
website: www.vkoaids.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7232)75-54-71
e-mail: kozhven.uk@mail.ru
website: www.vkokvd.kz
Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7 7262 45 65 32
e-mail: aidstaraz@med.mail.kz
website: www.aids .zhambyl.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7262)52-12-85
e-mail: okvdtaraz@mail.ru
website: www.okvdtaraz.kz
Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7(7112)26-05-61
e-mail: zkoaids.info@gmail.com
website: www.zko-aids.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7112)50-45-92
e-mail: kojven@mail.ru
website: www.kojven-bko.kz
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7212)44-15-80
e-mail: aidcenterkar@mail.ru
website: www.karaids.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7212)45-88-49
e-mail: okvdkar@mail.ru
website: okvdkar.kz/ru/kontakty
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7142)37-05-90
e-mail: kst_oc_aids@mail.ru
website: www.aidskst.kz
Regional Hospital, Center of Dermatovenerology
tel.: +7(7142)54-28-48, +7(7142)55-11-92
e-mail: oblmed@inbox.ru
tel.: +7(7142)37-05-80
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7242)23-94-54
e-mail: korda_aids@med.mail.kz
website: www.korda-aids.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7242)23-55-17
e-mail: korda_okvd@mail.ru
website: www.okvdkorda.kz/18-istoriya.html
Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tel.: +7 7292 50 73 62 (101)
e-mail: spid_aktau@mail.ru
website: www.antispid.kz
Regional skin and venereological Dispensary
tel.: +7(7292)50-14-33
e-mail: okvd_mang@mail.ru
website: www.okvd.mangystau.kz
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7182)32-98-76
e-mail: pavlodar@rcaids.kz
e-mail: ocspidpavl1@inbox.ru
website: www.depzdrav.gov.kz
Regional Hospital, Dermatovenerology department
tel.: +7(7182)50-05-50, +7(7182)50-01-50
e-mail: ob_pv@mail.ru, kozhvenpav@mail.ru
website: depzdrav.gov.kz
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel.: +7(7152)50-75-45
e-mail: aids_zdrav@sqo.gov.kz
e-mail: petraids@mail.online.kz
website: www.ocspid.sko.kz
Regional Hospital, skin and Venereology Center
tel.: +7(7152)46-46-03, +7(7152)33-15-30
e-mail: ob_sko@inbox.ru, skrsvd@mail.ru
website: www.ob-sko.kz
Regional Center for AIDS Prevention and Control
tel. +7(7253)34-15-18
email: to_turkestan_aids@mail.ru
website: www.to-aids.kz
Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
e-mail: spidzhez@mail.ru
Rеgional multidisciplinary hospital, dermatovenerological department
tеl.: +7(7102)410076;
e-mail: spidzhez@mail.ru
Regional Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS
tеl.: +7(7222) 52-21-49, 52-47-37
e-mail: rc-spid@yandex.kz
website: https://semey-aids.kz
Сity hospital №1 of the Semey
tеl.: +7 (7222) 35-42-21, 32-18-27
e-mail: Kozhven_semey@mail.ru
веб-сайт: https://auruhana2.kz
Regional Center for HIV Prevention
e-mail: aids_jetisu@mail.ru
Taldykorgan Dermatovenerologic Dispensary
tel: +7(7282)24-57-06
Разработчик ТОО "BenchMark Consulting"
AIDS prevention and control centres Skin venereal dispensaries