Меню KDT

Academic policy


Academic policy of the Kazakh Scientific Center for Dermatology and Infectious Diseases of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The aim of the Academic policy of educational programs of residency of the RSE on REM "Kazakh Scientific Center for Dermatology and Infectious Diseases" (hereinafter referred to as KSCDID) is to regulate the educational process, create a system for monitoring the quality of training, streamline the rights and responsibilities of residency students. The academic policy is obligatory for execution by all structural subdivisions and officials of KSCDID. Violation of the requirements of the Academic Policy is the basis for the application of disciplinary measures to officials of the KSCDID in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and internal regulations.

The academic policy comes into force after approval by the Academic Council of KSCDID.

In the event that certain points of the Academic Policy come into conflict with the new legislative acts, they lose their legal force and until changes are made to the Academic Policy, KSCDID is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Issues not regulated by the Academic Policy are resolved by the Academic Council of KSCDID. Academic policy is based on:

1) The Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 30, 1995, as amended.

2) Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On the health of the people and the healthcare system" dated September 18, 2009 No. 193-IV.

3) Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Education" dated June 7, 1999 No. 389-I.

4) Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Licensing" Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Permits and Notifications" dated May 16, 2014 No. 202-V.

5) Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 28, 2013 No. 195 "On some issues of licensing educational activities" (as amended and supplemented as of May 27, 2014 No. 549).

6) Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated May 27, 2014 No. 549 State Service Standard "Issuance of a license and / or annex to a license, re-issuance, issuance of duplicate licenses and / or annexes to it for educational activities."

7) Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan 08-2009 "Classifier of specialties of higher and postgraduate education of the Republic of Kazakhstan" dated January 30, 2008 No. 28.

8) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 10, 2008 No. 8 “On Approval of the Rules for the Recognition and Nostrification of Documents on Education”.

9) Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 30, 2008 No. 28 “On approval of the Regulations on residency”.

10) Model rules for the activities of organizations of higher and postgraduate education dated May 17, 2013 No. 499.

11) Order of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 30, 2008 No. 27 “On approval of the lists of clinical specialties for training in internship and residency”.

12) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 12, 2007 No. 621 “On Approval of the Model Agreement Form for the Provision of Educational Services”.

13) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2007 No. 583 "On approval of the Rules for the organization and implementation of educational and methodological work."

14) Order acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 21, 2007 No. 644 "On approval of the Model rules for the activity of the methodological (educational-methodical, scientific-methodical) council and the procedure for its election."

15) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated April 20, 2011 No. 152 “On approval of the Rules for organizing the educational process on credit technology of education”.

16) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated July 13, 2009 No. 338 “On Approval of the Model Qualification Characteristics of the Positions of Pedagogical Workers and Equivalent Persons”.

17) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 18, 2008 No. 125 "Model rules for conducting ongoing monitoring of academic performance, intermediate and final certification of students in higher educational institutions."

18) Order acting Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 23, 2007 No. 502 "On approval of the form of strict reporting documents used by educational organizations in educational activities."

19) Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 19, 2012 No. 109 “On approval of the Model Rules for Admission to Education in Educational Organizations Implementing Professional Educational Programs of Postgraduate Education”.

20) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On approval of the types and forms of documents on state education and the Rules for their issuance" dated January 2008, 2015 No. 2039.

21) Order of perform duties by Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 21, 2007 No. 565 "On approval of the Instructions for the execution of documents on education."

22) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 20, 2015 No. 19 “On approval of the Rules for the transfer and restoration of students by type of educational organization”.

23) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated December 4, 2014 No. 506 “On approval of the Rules for granting academic leave to students in educational institutions”.

24) Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated February 27, 2008 No. 116 “On approval of the Rules for the appointment, payment and amount of state scholarships for students in educational institutions”.

25) On approval of the form of a certificate issued to persons who have not completed their education Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 12, 2009 No. 289.

26) The rules for the direction for studying abroad, including within the framework of academic mobility, were approved by order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 19, 2008 No. 613 (as amended on December 30, 2011 No. 549).

27) Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated March 30, 2012 No. 390 “On approval of the Rules for sending a specialist to work, granting the right to self-employment, exemption from the obligation or termination of the obligation to work by citizens from among the rural youth who entered within the quota for training in pedagogical, medical and veterinary specialties, as well as citizens who studied on the basis of the state educational order in pedagogical and medical specialties (bachelor's degree) and studied in doctoral studies under the PhD program, and introducing amendments and additions to the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 23, 2008 No. 58 "On Approval of the Rules for Awarding an Educational Grant".

28) Order of the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 20, 2015 No. 19 "On approval of the rules for the transfer and restoration of students by type."

Terms and Definitions.

Academic backlog - the presence in the history of educational achievements of the student according to the curriculum of unstudied disciplines or disciplines with an unsatisfactory grade in the final control.

Academic freedom - a set of powers of the subjects of the educational process, granted to them for independent determination of the content of education in the disciplines of the component of choice, additional types of education and organization of educational activities in order to create conditions for the creative development of students, teachers and the use of innovative technologies and teaching methods.

Academic transcript  - a document containing a list of disciplines mastered for the corresponding period of study, indicating academic hours and grades in letter and number terms

Academic calendar - a calendar of training and control activities during the academic year, indicating the days of rest (holidays and holidays).

Term - a period of study chosen by a higher education institution in one of the following forms: Semester, trimester, quarter, academic year. In residency, the period of study is equal to a semester.

Rating - A quantitative indicator of the level of mastery of the program material by the student, compiled on the basis of the results of the intermediate certification.

Academic hour - the time of contact work of the student with the teacher according to the schedule for all types of training sessions (classroom work). An academic hour is equal to a contact hour (50 minutes) of lectures, practical (seminar) classes.

Hand-outs - active visual illustrative materials distributed during the lesson to motivate the student to creatively successfully master the topic (lecture abstracts, links, examples, glossary, assignments for independent work).

Appeal - a procedure carried out in order to identify and eliminate factors that contribute to a biased assessment of the educational achievements of residency students.

The point-rating letter system for assessing educational achievements (BRBS) is a system for assessing the level of educational achievements in points corresponding to the letter system accepted in international practice with a digital equivalent, and allowing you to set the rating of students.

Enrollment for an elective component  is a procedure for pre-registering students for elective disciplines in the manner established by the educational institution.

Individual Curriculum  - a document reflecting the educational trajectory of a particular student of residency, compiled by an independent student for the entire period of study on the basis of a working curriculum and a catalog of elective disciplines, and containing a list of academic disciplines for which he registered and the number of academic hours.

Information and educational resources - Formalized ideas and knowledge of an educational nature, various data, methods and means of their accumulation, storage and exchange between sources and consumers of information.

Qualification Examination is a procedure carried out to determine the degree of assimilation by students of programs of the appropriate level of education, as a result of which a document on education of a state standard is issued (certificate of completion of residency).

Final Examination - control of educational achievements of students in order to assess the quality of mastering the program of an academic discipline, carried out in the form of an exam.

Catalog of Elective Disciplines  - a systematic annotated list of all disciplines of the elective component, containing their brief description indicating the purpose of the study, brief content (main sections) and expected learning outcomes (knowledge, skills and competencies acquired by students).

Qualification characteristics - a list of knowledge, skills and practical skills that a specialist possesses.

Qualification is a characteristic of the level of preparation (readiness) to perform a certain type of professional activity or specific labor functions.

Competence - the ability of students to apply the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the process of learning in professional activities.

Competences, being a dynamic combination of knowledge, understanding, skills and abilities, can be formed in the plan for the specialty, approved and valid at the moment, with the introduction of the discipline and the grade obtained from it in the student's transcript.

Re-registration period (Add/DropPeriod) - the period during which the student can change his IEP by abandoning one course and enrolling in another.

Re-study of the discipline (Retake) - re-passing the discipline in case of receiving the final grade "unsatisfactory" ("F").

Postrequisites are disciplines for the study of which knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies are acquired upon completion of the study of this discipline.

Prerequisites - disciplines containing a list of knowledge, skills, abilities and competencies necessary for mastering the discipline being studied; a tool that regulates the course of study when transferring a student of residency.

Intermediate attestation of students is a procedure carried out during the examination session in order to assess the quality of mastering by students of a part or the entire volume of one training course, subject, discipline (module).

Working Curriculum is a document developed and approved by an educational/scientific organization on the basis of a standard curriculum and individual curricula of students, taking into account the conditions of a specific professional activity, stages of the educational process. RUPL contains a complete list of academic disciplines, grouped into cycles of basic, related, specialized disciplines, both in the mandatory component and in the elective component, necessary for mastering by students, indicating academic hours. The structure of the RUPL is determined by the organization of education/science independently.

Handouts - visual illustrative material distributed during the lesson to motivate the student to successfully master the topic creatively (abstracts, lectures, links, examples, glossary, assignments for independent work, etc.).

Residency is a form of postgraduate advanced medical education in clinical specialties.

The learning outcomes are acquired knowledge, skills and acquired competencies.

Midterm examination of progress) - Control of educational achievements of students upon completion of a section (module) of one academic discipline according to the academic calendar.

Independent work of a resident (SPP) is one of the types of educational work that involves the independent work of a student in each module/discipline included in the curriculum.

Syllabus is a discipline curriculum that includes a description of the discipline being studied, its goals and objectives, a thematic plan reflecting the duration of each topic, their brief content, tasks for independent work, consultation time, midterm control schedule, list of references, teacher requirements and assessment criteria, appropriate assessment on a point-rating scale.

Curriculum - a document that defines the list, sequence and distribution of training courses, subjects, disciplines (modules), practices provided for by the educational program, time costs (labor intensity) for their development, as well as types of educational and independent activities, intermediate and final student certification.

Advisor - a teacher who acts as an academic mentor for a student in the relevant specialty, assisting in choosing a learning path (forming an individual curriculum) and mastering an educational program during the period of study, it is possible to perform the functions of an advisor and curator by one person) and mastering an educational program in period of study.

Examination session - a period of intermediate certification of a student of residency in educational and scientific organizations.

Elective disciplines are academic disciplines included in the elective component within the established academic hours and introduced by the educational/scientific organization.

Elective disciplines reflect the individual training of the student, take into account the specifics of socio-economic development and the needs of a particular region, the established scientific schools of education/science organization.

Organization and structure of the educational process.

  1. The residency educational program contains:
  • theoretical and clinical training, including the study of basic, related and major disciplines;
  • final control upon completion of each discipline;
  • intermediate attestation at the end of the academic period;
  • final state attestation upon completion of residency training.

The duration and dates of each academic year are indicated in the Academic Calendar, which is published and communicated to residency students and teachers before the start of the academic year. The schedule of classes for the academic year is compiled on the basis of working curricula. The schedule is approved by the deputy director for scientific work of KSCDID no later than 2 weeks before the start of classes. On the basis of the schedule, a schedule of work for residency students is drawn up, indicating the full name. teacher, clinical mentor, curator.

  1. The main organizational forms of pedagogical activity used for the implementation of residency educational programs are:
  • Theoretical training: lectures (review, problematic), seminars, work in small groups, group discussions, situation analysis (CS - case-study), journal club (JC); thematic literature review; educational conference; research project; learning through learning (LT); publication of a scientific article.
  • Clinical training: examination of the patient (PS – Patient Survey); discussion of a clinical case (CD - Casebased Discussion), maintaining accounting and reporting documentation; participation in rounds and clinical conferences; simulation training; work with standardized patients (SP), curation of patients in a hospital, outpatient appointment, at home, work in various departments of medical organizations, participation in rounds and consultations.
  • Resident’s individual work (RIW) is one of the types of educational work, which involves independent work of a student in each module/discipline included in the curriculum. In the course of independent work, the trainee of residency masters theoretical material, consolidates knowledge of theoretical material, in a practical way (on duty, supervising patients, mastering practical skills, etc.); applies the acquired knowledge and practical skills to analyze the situation and develop the right solution (group discussions, business games, situation analysis, project development, etc.); applies the acquired knowledge and skills to form their own position, theory, model (participation in research work). Control of independent work and evaluation of its results are organized as a unity of two forms: self-control and self-assessment; supervision and evaluation by the teacher/clinical mentor/curator.
  1. The volume of the residency trainee's workload is measured in academic hours / credits mastered by him during the academic year in each discipline.
  2. The planning of the teaching load of the teaching staff is carried out in academic hours, which is the time of the contact work of the teacher with the trainee of the residency according to the schedule in the classroom. One academic hour is equal to 50 minutes.
  3. The academic year in residency consists of academic periods, intermediate certification, holidays, and in the final year - final certification.
  4. The duration of the academic period in the residency of KSCDID is a semester.
  5. Duration of holidays during the academic year is at least 7 weeks, with the exception of the graduation course.
  6. The trainee of the residency independently forms an individual learning path based on the standard curriculum for the specialty and the Catalog of elective disciplines (modules). The trainee of residency chooses the required number of compulsory and elective disciplines (modules), which are reflected in the individual curriculum (IEP). After that, in accordance with the model curriculum of the specialty and individual curricula of students, a working curriculum for the specialty for the academic year is formed.
  7. The trainee of the residency is responsible for compiling the IEP and the completeness of mastering the course of study in accordance with the requirements of the working curriculum of the specialty.
  8. Individual training planning is carried out for the entire period of study under the guidance of curators.
  9. Information about elective disciplines, including their brief description, is contained in the catalog of elective disciplines (modules), which is brought to the attention of residency students.
  10. Syllabuses for disciplines (modules) are posted on an electronic resource no later than 10 working days before the start of the semester in which these disciplines (modules) are studied.
  11. The choice of disciplines (modules) must be carried out with the obligatory consideration of the sequence of studying disciplines. A student of residency cannot be registered for a discipline if in the previous semester he did not master the prerequisites for this discipline.
  12. The formed individual curriculum (IEP) in 2 copies is signed by the trainee of residency and provided to the curator for approval.
  13. The curator, in the absence of comments, signs the IEP and sends it for approval to the head of postgraduate education. After approval by the head of postgraduate education, one copy remains with the student of the residency in the portfolio, the second copy is stored in the personal file of the student of the residency for use in the certification process.
  14. The student has the right to change the IEP within the framework of the working curriculum of the specialty before the start of theoretical training (during the registration for disciplines conducted by the Registrar's Office). Registration deadlines are indicated in the Academic calendar.
  15. For students of residency who studied at other educational and scientific organizations as part of academic mobility, the earned credits are credited according to the relevant approved curriculum of the specialty. In order to transfer credits, the graduating department, on the basis of the syllabuses of disciplines, establishes the equivalence of the content of disciplines (modules) studied in other educational and scientific organizations with the curriculum of the university.
  16. The summer semester lasts no more than 6 weeks. For the summer semester, disciplines are submitted for which residency students have not mastered the curriculum, as well as other disciplines, including for residency students from other universities. Education in the summer semester is carried out only on a paid basis. The summer semester provides an opportunity for residency students to eliminate an unsatisfactory grade in disciplines, eliminate the difference in the curriculum, make adjustments to their individual plan through the timely study of prerequisites, and increase their GPA.
  17. In order to master the required credits during the summer semester, a residency student can register for no more than 6 (six) credits, no later than two weeks before the start of the summer semester.
  18. For academic management, by order of the Director of KSCDID, on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council for the academic year, each group of students is assigned a curator.
  19. The average duration of the study load per day is 9 academic hours. The duration of the study load per day may vary, but not less than 5 and not more than 12 astronomical hours. The average teaching load per week is 54 academic hours, per month - 216 academic hours. The number of working days per week is 6 days.
  20. Working hours. The beginning and end of the daily work of a residency trainee is regulated depending on the working hours of the clinical base and the student's individual work schedule. The average duration of the daily work of a residency student from Monday to Friday is 9 academic hours, on Saturday - 6 academic hours.
  21. Lunch break - lasting from 30 minutes to 1 hour, not included in working hours. The time of the break and its specific duration are established by the internal labor regulations of the clinical base.
  22. Rest time. The general day off is Sunday. Vacations between academic years of study are at least 8 weeks, vacations in the final year of study are provided after the final certification of at least 4 weeks.
  23. For the admission of a residency trainee to work in clinical medical institutions, overalls, a completed personal medical book and familiarization with the requirements of the clinical base are required.
  24. Students of the residency of the graduate course who have not fulfilled the requirements of the individual curriculum remain for a second year of study without passing the summer semester.
  25. The original work book is registered and stored in the structure in charge of the residency for the entire period of training in the residency.
  26. A trainee of residency who has been expelled but has not completed residency training is issued a certificate issued to citizens who have not completed their education.
  27. Persons who previously studied in the residency of KSCDID can be restored to the number of students of the residency. A prerequisite for restoration is the completion of one semester by students.
  28. Reinstatement in the number of students of the KSCDID residency and the elimination of the difference in disciplines in the curricula is carried out only on a paid basis.
  29. The reinstatement of residency students from other educational and scientific organizations is allowed if there are appropriate study groups for the course of study and specialty; in the event of a difference in the academic disciplines specified in the Certificate issued to persons who have not completed their studies, with a list of academic disciplines of the working curriculum - no more than four academic disciplines / number of credits and if there are prerequisites necessary for mastering the specialty.
  30. The recovery procedure is carried out in the following order:
  • Applicant/student submits an application for reinstatement addressed to the Director of KSCDID, a Certificate issued to persons who have not completed their studies (original) is attached to the reinstatement application
  • Responsible for the residency, on the basis of a certificate, determines the difference in disciplines in the curricula and, in accordance with the mastered prerequisites, sets the course of study, re-calculates the hours mastered in accordance with the educational program and approves the student's individual curriculum in agreement with the deputy for scientific work.
  • An order is issued for reinstatement in the number of residency trainees.
  1. A student of the residency of KSCDID who studied on a paid basis, expelled for non-payment of tuition fees, in case of repayment of this debt, can be restored within four weeks from the date of expulsion.
  2. A trainee of residency who has completed training in residency, upon issuing a document of the established form (certificate of completion of residency), makes an entry in the work book on the passage of residency in the specialty.
  3. Resident students studying under the state educational order, as well as transferred to study under the state educational order, the state scholarship is assigned for the entire period of study.
  4. Resident students enrolled in the first year (first year of study) on the basis of the state educational order in the first semester are assigned a state scholarship and paid monthly during the first semester. In the following semesters, students of residency receive a state scholarship and are paid based on the results of the intermediate certification of students for the previous semester.
  5. The state scholarship is paid to residency students who, based on the results of the examination session or intermediate certification, have received the equivalent of grades corresponding to the grades "good", "excellent" on a monthly basis from the first day of the month following the examination session or intermediate certification of students, inclusive until the end of the month in which semester ends.
  6. For visually and hearing impaired children, orphans and children left without parental care and under guardianship (guardianship), studying under the state educational order, the state scholarship is paid in the absence of academic debt on the results or unsatisfactory grades on the results of intermediate certification students.
  7. For residency students who did not pass the intermediate certification within the established time limits for good reasons (illness, family circumstances, natural disasters), after submitting supporting documents, individual exam dates are set, after which they are assigned a state scholarship in accordance with applicable law.
  8. During the period of professional practice, summer holidays, as well as during the period of work at workplaces and in positions with the payment of wages to students of residency, the state scholarship is paid in the manner prescribed by the Rules.
  9. For students of residency transferred from one educational institution to another, a state scholarship is assigned and paid in the manner prescribed by the Rules.
  10. During the period when residency students are on academic leave, the state scholarship is not paid, with the exception of academic holidays granted on the basis of a medical report (conclusion of the medical advisory commission).
  11. For residency students who have returned from academic leave, the appointment and payment of a state scholarship is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules based on the results of the upcoming (regular) examination session or intermediate certification of students and provided that there is no difference in curricula.
  12. For residency students left for a second year of study due to illness, a state scholarship is assigned and paid in the manner prescribed by these Rules until the results of the next examination session or intermediate certification of students, based on the results of the previous semester in which the curriculum was completed. Students of the residency, sick with tuberculosis, in the presence of an appropriate medical certificate, the state scholarship is established and paid for the period of incapacity for work, but not more than ten months from the date of incapacity for work.
  13. For students of residency for the period of maternity leave, the state scholarship is paid in the amount established before going on maternity leave, for the entire period established by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. When submitting a certificate of temporary disability due to pregnancy and childbirth during academic leave, academic leave is interrupted and maternity leave is issued. During the period when residency students are on parental leave until they reach the age of three, a state scholarship is not awarded.
  14. ​​The appointment of scholarships is made by order of the Director or a person replacing him, on the basis of a memo from the head of the unit that is entrusted with monitoring the progress of students.
  15. For students of residency who are on academic leave on the basis of a medical certificate, for the period of academic leave, the state scholarship is established in the amount of 50 (fifty) percent (for the disabled - 75 (seventy-five) percent, respectively, of the state scholarship of residency students.
  16. The payment of state scholarships is terminated:
  • in case of expulsion (expulsion) of a student from an educational organization, regardless of the reasons for expulsion (exclusion);
  • in case of death of a student;
  • after graduation from the date of issuance of the graduation order.
  1. The termination of the payment of state scholarships is carried out by issuing an appropriate order of the Director or a person replacing him, on the basis of a memo from the head of the unit that is entrusted with monitoring the progress of students.
  2. To control the payment of a scholarship, copies of orders on the movement of a contingent of residency students (expelled, who have taken academic leave) are transferred to the accounting department and the planning and economic department on a monthly basis, along with a statistical report on time.

Independent work of a student of residency

  1. The RIWT( resident’s individual work with teacher) is the extracurricular work of the residency trainee, which is performed by him in contact with the teacher/clinical mentor.
  2. The ratio between RIWT and RIW in the total amount of independent work is determined as 1:1.
  3. The amount of independent work performed by the trainee of the residency is divided into two types - the independent work of the trainee of the residency under the guidance of a teacher/clinical mentor (hereinafter referred to as the RIWT) and the part that is performed by the trainee of the residency completely independently (hereinafter referred to as the RIW).
  4. Independent work of a student of residency is organized according to standard programs. Forms of RIW with indication of topics, tasks, hours and types of control are reflected in the discipline syllabus.
  5. The duty of a student of residency is a separate type of independent work. Duty is established in the evening or at night, lasting from 6 to 24 hours, in accordance with the approved duty schedule. Night time is considered from 22:00 pm to 6:00 am. The shifts are planned at the expense of the monthly norm of working time of 216 hours (54 hours per week), due to some reduction in the length of the daily working day. The monthly norm of duty for a student of residency in therapeutic and pediatric profiles is 24 hours (astronomical), surgical profile - 48 hours. For a trainee of a residency with a diagnostic or consulting profile (radiological diagnostics doctor, functional diagnostics doctor, clinical pharmacologist, etc.) - 12 hours per month.
  6. The clinical workload of a residency student is set by the department and regulated, depending on the year of study.

Participation of teaching staff in the training of students of residency

  1. An important role in the preparation of residency students is given to basic and specialized disciplines. The main responsibilities for conducting classes in basic and specialized disciplines:
  • have a complete understanding of the requirements of the State Educational Standards and standard residency programs to the level of training of a graduate in terms of the composition of knowledge, skills and abilities in the profile of the direction (specialty) or academic discipline;
  • ensure a high level of teaching disciplines through the use of traditional and the introduction of innovative technologies and interactive learning technologies. The choice of technology for conducting training sessions is determined by the teaching staff of KSCDID.

The quality of educational programs at all levels and areas of training is guaranteed by the joint participation of representatives of employers in the development and further adjustment, as well as taking into account the existing production experience of teaching staff, with the production of research work, taking into account the experience of international cooperation with countries both near and far abroad .

  1. The teaching staff of KSCDID is responsible for the following works:

1) preparation of educational and methodological complexes for the educational process, current and midterm control and intermediate certification, independent and individual work of residency students;

2) providing residency students with the necessary educational and methodological materials;

3) prompt assessment of the educational achievements of residency students, with the assessment of current control and information on attendance in the educational journal;

4) control over the fulfillment of the academic load, the discipline program, the work schedules of residency students;

5) monthly filing of a report on residency students who missed classes;

6) the use of various forms of control of educational activities and analysis of the results of current control, intermediate and final certification of students of residency;

7) advising residency students on the disciplines taught;

8) organization of independent work of students of residency with systematic control;

9) organization and conduct of various types of practical activities of trainees of the residency;

10) selection and determination of places for clinical practice, taking into account the desires and capabilities of residency students.

11)  directing the activities of residency students to familiarize themselves with advanced technologies and methods of work, as well as to develop and improve their professional skills, increase scientific potential and develop creative abilities;

12) establishing links with the departments of other universities, exchanging experience in organizing the educational process in residency;

13) study, generalization and dissemination of the experience of effective work with residency students;

14) facilitating the employment of supervised students of the residency in the profile of the chosen specialty, monitoring their career after graduation from the residency;

15) participation in the organization and conduct of activities for the career guidance of graduates of medical universities;

  1. At the beginning of the academic year, the teaching staff of KSCDID holds organizational meetings with students of residency, to which representatives of non-clinical structural units are invited. Resident students are introduced to the goals and objectives, the policy of the specialty, the content of the program and individual tasks, rights and obligations, rules and regulations of safety during work.
  2. The content, organization and methodology of performing all types of work of residency students are reflected in the documentation that the teaching staff of KSCDID maintains in accordance with these Regulations.

The educational and methodological complex of disciplines is discussed and approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of KSCDID.

  1. Approved educational and methodological complexes in disciplines (EMCD) according to the working curricula are posted on the electronic resource of KSCDID before the start of classes in the discipline.
  2. Teaching staff of KSCDID has the right to:
  • to submit proposals to the management of KSCDID on changes in the staff list, hiring, dismissals and relocations of KSCDID employees, their encouragement and punishment;
  • present residency students who have not completed their individual curriculum for expulsion;
  • apply for rewards for distinguished trainees of the residency, teachers and curators;
  • analyze the content and quality of teaching of all disciplines of specialties together with interested departments and teachers, develop proposals to increase the interest of residency students in their studies, their desire to master competencies;
  • participate in the development and approval of draft instructions, regulations and other internal regulatory documents on the activities of the teaching staff of KSCDID;
  • represent KSCDID in external organizations on the organization and implementation of the educational process in the residency;
  • Teaching staff of KSCDID have the right to develop and propose new disciplines for the elective component;
  1. Responsible for residency KSCDID is responsible for:
  • conformity of the content of the discipline programs created and implemented by the staff of postgraduate education KSCDID GES (2009), GOSE (2015) and standard residency programs;
  • planning and implementation of teaching load by teachers;
  • ensuring the preparation of residency students for the Final State Attestation.

Rights and obligations of the curator of the student of residency

  1. Supervisor of a residency trainee - a person assigned to a residency trainee to acquire the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, appointed from among the teaching staff of KSCDID, who train in residency.
  2. The curator of the student of residency (hereinafter referred to as the curator) is appointed by order of the Director, based on the decision of the Academic Council of KSCDID for the academic year.
  3. The work of the curator is the most important indicator of the activities of the teaching staff of KSCDID, is included in the individual work plan of the teacher and is taken into account when passing through the competition for vacant positions of the teaching staff.
  4. The curator of a residency student who works in bad faith with residency students may be relieved of his duties with the application of disciplinary measures.
  5. For active and successful work, the curator of a student of residency receives moral and material encouragement, the amount and procedure, which are determined by the leadership of the KSCDID.
  6. The curator's workload is determined at the rate of 3 hours per week per residency trainee.
  7. The total number of residency students assigned to one curator should not exceed 3 people.
  8. The curator represents the academic interests of the student of the residency and participates in the preparation of all necessary information materials on the organization of the educational process, provides them to the student of the residency and assists him in compiling and adjusting the individual curriculum.
  9. The curator assists the trainee of residency not only in choosing his educational trajectory, but also in choosing the trajectory of personal development. At the same time, he helps the trainee of the residency to determine the range of his extracurricular interests, with the choice of the form of social work, informs the student about the opportunities available at the university for the realization of creative abilities.
  10. The curator assists the residency student in solving future career issues, determining the direction of scientific research, choosing a supervisor, and determining the base of professional practice.
  11. The curator of the trainee of the residency is directly subordinate to the KSCDID responsible for the residency, who exercises control and organizes assistance to curators in resolving current issues. The evaluation of the work of the curator is based on a comprehensive analysis of the educational and social indicators of the work of residency students.
  12. The curator must have the necessary scientific outlook in the field of special disciplines included in the individualized education program (IEP) of the student, maintain relations with the teaching staff and students, guided by the rules of corporate and professional ethics, be creative in their work.
  13. The curator conducts organizational, methodological and consulting work during the entire period of training of a student of residency.
  14. The curator assists residency students in forming an individual learning path and mastering the educational program.

Rights and obligations of a student of residency

  1. The trainee of the residency forms a portfolio during the entire period of study. It includes:
  2. Individual contract for training in residency;
  3. Individual curriculum;
  4. Additions and changes to the individual curriculum;
  5. Gradebook;
  6. Monthly report;
  7. Annual report;
  8. Information about educational achievements for the period of study in residency (assessment forms, materials, certificates, awards, conference programs, prints of publications, patient reviews, etc.);
  9. Information about the proposed employment: letters of recommendation, petitions.

The system for monitoring and evaluating the educational achievements of a student of residency

  1. Monitoring and evaluation of the educational achievements of residency students is carried out according to the point-rating letter system for assessing educational achievements (PRLS). PRLS involves conducting current, midterm and final control in the specialty being studied.
  2. For a consistent and comprehensive strategy for assessing the competencies of a residency student, those responsible for postgraduate education, together with the profile department, form a global rating scale (GRS – Global rating scale).
  3. Current control is carried out by a teacher who conducts practical classes. Recommended forms of control: interview (OE – Oral examination); multiple choice test questions (MCQs – Multiple Choice Questions); assessment of mastery of practical procedures (DOPS - Direct Observation of Procedural Skills); mini-clinical exam (Mini-CEX - mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise); objective structured clinical examination (OSCE – Objective Structured Clinical Examination); assessment of the quality of medical documentation (AA – Audit Assessment Tool); self-assessment (SA – Self Assessment); peer assessment (PA – Peer Assessment); portfolio assessment (PA – portfolio assessment); evaluation interview (AI - assessment interview); research project defense; review of a scientific publication.
  4. The forms and content of current control are determined by the department and entered into the Teaching Materials (TM). Current control is evaluated on a 100-point scale. Based on the results of the current control, the rating of admission to the boundary control is calculated - an exam in the discipline.
  5. Frontier control is carried out at least twice during one academic period within the same academic discipline. The exception is academic disciplines with a volume of 1-2 credits, for which the number of milestone controls is determined by the teaching staff of KSCDID independently.
  6. The assessment of the admission rating is made up of marks obtained in practical classes, for performing independent work, on duty, expert assessment of maintaining medical records, curating patients, sanitary and educational work, etc. At the same time, the educational achievements of a residency student are evaluated on a 100-point scale for each completed task.
  7. Resident students who, for objective reasons, have a rating of less than 50%, have the right, before the start of the exam, with the written permission of the supervising deputy director for scientific work, to individually pass the midterm control.
  8. For non-compliance with the academic discipline (the presence of absences from classroom classes / lectures, practical, seminars, etc. in the amount of 25% or more of the total hours of classroom lessons in the discipline), the student of the residency, even with a positive assessment of the admission rating, is not allowed to take the exam on this discipline and must pass a paid semester.
  9. If the admission rating is less than 50% and permission for individual passing of midterm control is not received, then the student of residency is not allowed to take the final exam in the discipline and for a separate fee takes the course again in the summer semester or in the second year of study.
  10. The final control in the discipline is carried out in the form of an exam by the examiner after the completion of training in the discipline. The final control of the discipline consists of 2 parts: theoretical and practical. It is more expedient to involve an independent examiner (an employee of the KSCDID who did not train this group) in the final control of the discipline.
  11. The trainee of the residency has the right to choose the language of the exam (state, Russian).
  12. The theoretical part of the exam can be conducted in written, oral or test form. The practical part of the exam is recommended to be carried out in the form of an assessment of clinical competencies (assessment of mastery of practical procedures (DOPS – Direct Observation of Procedural Skills); mini-clinical exam (Mini-CEX - mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise); assessment of the quality of medical documentation (AA – Audit Assessment Tool); assessment interview (AI – assessment interview) Each stage of the final control in the discipline (exam) is evaluated on a 100-point scale.
  13. The examination sheet of the final control in the discipline (exam in the discipline) is drawn up by the curator and submitted to the person responsible for the residency of the KSCDID within 3 days from the date of the exam.
  14. The form and procedure for conducting the final control (exam) for each academic discipline is established by the KSCDID before the start of the academic period by the Academic Council of the KSCDID and indicated in the TM.
  15. The exam schedule is approved by the Deputy Director for Research and communicated to residency students and teachers no later than two weeks before the exam.
  16. In some cases (due to illness, family circumstances, objective reasons), the person responsible for the residency of the KSCDID allows the trainee of the residency to take exams on an individual schedule.
  17. Passing an exam according to an individual schedule is allowed if confirming certificates are provided to the head of the residency department: about illness, in connection with the birth of a child, with the death of close relatives, in connection with a business or study trip.
  18. After the completion of the exam in each discipline, the trainee of the residency is given a final grade.
  19. The final grade for the discipline is set on the day of the exam, in the educational journal, in the examination sheet and the record book of the student of the residency.
  20. After the exam in the discipline, the final grade for the discipline is displayed, which is determined by the formula:

Final assessment of the discipline = admission rating score x 0.6 + practical skills score x 0.2 + theoretical level score x 0.2

  1. Retaking a positive mark on the final control of the discipline (exam) in order to increase it is not allowed.
  2. If a student of residency receives an unsatisfactory grade “F” in the exam, then the final grade in the discipline is not calculated, the grade “F” is entered in the examination sheet, which is not put in the record book.
  3. The examination sheet is transferred to the person responsible for the residency of the KSCDID, who is responsible for recording and accumulating the number of academic hours for all students throughout the entire period of study. Based on the examination sheets of each academic discipline, a summary sheet of intermediate certification is maintained.
  4. Resident students take all exams in strict accordance with the working and individual curriculum, as well as the curriculum of the discipline.
  5. Resident students can also take exams in the disciplines of additional types of education, the results of which are entered in the examination sheet and in the student's record book.
  6. To retake the exam from an “unsatisfactory” grade to a positive one, the student of the residency visits again all types of training sessions provided for by the working curriculum for this discipline, receives admission and passes the final control.
  7. Retaking a positive assessment in the final control in order to increase it in the same period of intermediate certification is not allowed.
  8. If the trainee of the residency, who completed the discipline program in full, did not appear for the exam, in the examination sheet, opposite his surname, a mark “did not appear” is made.
  9. If there is a good reason (due to illness, family and work circumstances), an individual exam schedule is established by order of the supervising deputy director. In the absence of a valid reason, failure to appear for the exam is equated with an “unsatisfactory” grade.
  10. The transcript records all the final grades of the residency student, including the results of re-passing exams.
  11. A residency student who has completed the course program in full, but has not scored the minimum transfer score, in order to increase his average academic score, is given the opportunity in the summer semester to re-study individual disciplines on a paid basis and re-take exams on them.
  12. A person expelled from the residency of KSCDID is issued with a Certificate issued to citizens who have not completed their education.

Intermediate certification

  1. Intermediate attestation of students of residency at KSCDID is carried out in accordance with the working curriculum, academic calendar and professional training programs in the form of passing exams.
  2. The frequency and duration of the intermediate certification are determined in accordance with the approved working curriculum of the specialty and the academic calendar in the form approved by the Academic Council of the KSCDID.
  3. The duration of the intermediate certification after each academic period is no more than 1 week.
  4. Admission to intermediate certification is carried out in two stages:

1) at the first stage, by a general order of the Deputy Director for Science, students are admitted to the examination session who do not have arrears in tuition fees, academic debts on prerequisites, who are not on academic leave or on long-term treatment;

2) at the second stage, automatic admission is carried out based on the assessment of the admission rating, determined by the examination sheets with the corresponding mark opposite the name of each student of the residency.

  1. Students who do not have a positive rating are not allowed to interim certification. They are recommended to re-study the disciplines of the semester on a paid basis.
  2. The head of the residency department in some cases (due to illness, family and work circumstances) allows the trainee of the residency to pass an intermediate certification according to an individual schedule.
  3. Passing an interim certification according to an individual schedule is allowed if it is provided to the head of the personnel department: about illness, in connection with the birth of a child, with the death of close relatives.
  4. The schedule of intermediate certification is approved by the deputy director and brought to the attention of residency students and teachers no later than two weeks before the start of the examination session.
  5. When conducting an interim attestation in an academic discipline, the grade obtained in the exam and the average score of the assessment of the current control of progress during the academic period (rating of admission) are taken into account.
  6. The results of the exams are submitted for discussion by the teaching staff of KSCDID, the Academic Council of KSCDID for the formation of proposals for improving the educational process after the completion of the examination session (intermediate certification).
  7. After the end of the academic year, the trainee of the residency draws up an annual report in 2 copies. The annual report of the residency trainee is discussed by the teaching staff of KSCDID. After the discussion, the student submits one copy of the annual report to the person responsible for the residency of KSCDID for the formation of a personal file.
  8. When discussing the results of the work of a student of the residency of the teaching staff of KSCDID, the progress of the student (Decisionson Progress) is discussed and a decision is made to transfer the student to the next year and / or give recommendations for expulsion or direction for the summer semester.
  9. A note on the results of the intermediate certification and transfer to the next year of study is entered in the record book.
  10. At the end of the academic year, on the basis of the results of the intermediate certification, by order of the Director of KSCDID, students of residency are transferred from course to course. For this purpose, a transfer score is determined.
  11. A residency trainee who has completed the course program in full, but has not scored the minimum transfer score, in order to increase his average academic score, is given the opportunity to re-study individual disciplines on a paid basis in the summer semester and re-take exams on them.

Final examination

  1. Final certification of residency students is a form of state control of the educational achievements of a residency student, aimed at determining the compliance of the competencies acquired by him with the requirements of state education standards for residency specialties.
  2. To conduct the Final Attestation for residency students, the organization forms the State Attestation Commission (SAC).
  3. The final certification of residency students is carried out within the time frame stipulated by the working curricula and the academic calendar in the form approved by the Academic Council of KSCDID.
  4. Students of residency who have completed the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the individual curriculum are allowed to the final certification.
  5. Students of the residency of the graduate course who have not fulfilled the requirements of the working and individual curriculum and working curricula remain for a second course of study without passing the summer semester.
  6. A State Attestation Commission (SAC) is formed to take a comprehensive examination for residency students at the KSCDID.
  7. Candidates for the Chairpersons of the SAC with an academic degree or academic title, corresponding to the profile of graduates, and not working in this organization, are approved by the Academic Council of KSCDID 2 months before the Final Attestation.
  8. The composition of the SAC, as its members, includes persons with an academic degree, or an academic title or academic degree, corresponding to the profile of graduates. Highly qualified specialists corresponding to the profile of graduates can also be included in the SAC.
  9. The quantitative composition of the SAC is approved by order of the Director of KSCDID 2 months before the Final Attestation.
  10. Admission to the final attestation of residency students is issued by order of the Director of KSCDID according to the list no later than two weeks before the start of the final attestation and submitted to the SAC.
  11. The comprehensive exam in the specialty includes the disciplines of the mandatory component of the cycle of basic and major disciplines of the professional residency curriculum.
  12. A comprehensive examination is conducted in one of the following forms: orally, in writing, testing in the scope of the approved program.
  13. The program of a comprehensive exam, the form of its conduct and the content of tasks are developed independently by the teaching staff of KSCDID on the basis of the curricula of the disciplines included in this comprehensive exam.
  14. The teaching staff of KSCDID independently develop test tasks, their types (open, closed, combined tests) and testing technology.
  15. The results of a comprehensive exam are documented in a protocol, which is filled out individually for each trainee of residency.
  16. The minutes of the meeting of the SAC are kept by its secretary, approved as part of the SAC from among the training and support staff.
  17. When conducting a comprehensive examination in the form of testing, the basis for issuing an individual protocol is the examination sheet.
  18. It is not allowed to retake a comprehensive exam from a positive mark in order to increase it to a higher one.
  19. Based on the results of passing the comprehensive residency exam, on the basis of the presentation of the person responsible for the residency or the curator, the Director of KSCDID approves an order to expel the student of the residency within ten working days from the date of completion of the final certification and / or completion of the academic year according to the academic calendar.
  20. A trainee of residency who did not appear for the final certification in accordance with the approved schedule, or his representative, writes an application addressed to the Chairman of the SAC, no later than the next business day after the exam and provides a document on the reason for absence from the exam. If there is a good reason, the Chairman of the SAC determines the date of the exam on another day of the SAC meeting. If the SAC recognizes the reason for not appearing for the exam as disrespectful, then the trainee of the residency is given "0" points, corresponding to the "unsatisfactory" rating.
  21. Documents submitted to the SAC on the state of health after receiving an unsatisfactory assessment are not considered.
  22. A trainee of residency who does not agree with the result of a comprehensive examination shall file an appeal no later than the next working day after it is held. To conduct an appeal, by order of the Director, an appeal commission is created from among experienced specialists whose qualifications correspond to the profile of the specialty.
  23. If the appeal is satisfied, the minutes of the SAC meeting are re-drawn. In this case, the results of the first protocol are canceled with the inscription: “The assessment was revised by protocol No. ___ dated __ on page ___” and signed by all members of the SAC present.
  24. Retaking a comprehensive exam for persons who have received an “unsatisfactory” rating is not allowed during this period of final certification in residency.
  25. A person who has not passed the final certification, not earlier than a year later, writes an application addressed to the Director of KSCDID, but no later than two weeks before the start of the final certification of the next academic year, to allow admission to the repeated final certification.

151.Admission to re-final certification is issued by order of the Director of KSCDID.

  1. Repeated final certification is carried out only for those forms for which an unsatisfactory assessment was received in the previous final certification. The list of disciplines submitted for state exams for persons who have not passed these exams is determined by the curriculum that was in force in the year the student completed the theoretical course.
  2. Resident students who received an unsatisfactory assessment as a result of certification are expelled from the residency by order of the Director of KSCDID with the issuance of a Certificate issued to citizens who have not completed their education.
  3. A trainee of residency who has passed the final attestation, who has confirmed the assimilation of the relevant professional training program of residency by the decision of the SAC, is awarded the qualification "doctor" in the relevant specialty and is issued a free certificate of completion of the state-approved residency with an application within thirty days from the date of the decision of the SAC. The decision of the SAC is documented in a protocol.
  4. The appendix to the certificate of completion of residency (transcript) is filled in in accordance with the grades obtained in all disciplines in the amount provided for by the state compulsory standard of residency education and the working curriculum.
  5. The appendix to the certificate of completion of residency records the last grades for each academic discipline according to the point-rating system for assessing knowledge, indicating its volume in credits and academic hours.
  6. Issuance of a certificate of completion of residency of the state standard with an application is carried out on the basis of the order of the Director of KSCDID on graduation.
  7. The graduation order is approved by the Director of KSCDID based on the presentation of the Chairman of the SAC no later than ten working days from the date of completion of the final certification of residency students.
  8. At the same time, the Director of the KSCDID approves an order to expel residency students who have not passed the final certification, based on the presentation of the person responsible for the residency.
  9. Upon completion of the final certification of residency students, the Chairman of the SAC draws up a report on the results of the final certification of residency students and submits it to the Director of KSCDID within two weeks.
  10. The report on the results of the final certification of residency students includes tables and an explanatory note.
  11. The explanatory note reflects:
  12. the level of training of students of residency in this specialty at KSCDID;
  13. characteristics of the knowledge of residency students, identified in the comprehensive exam;
  14. analysis of the quality of training for residency students in this specialty;
  15. shortcomings in the training of students of residency;
  16. specific recommendations for further improving the training of residency students.
  17. The report on the results of the final attestation of residency students is signed by the Chairman of the SAC, discussed and approved at a meeting of the Academic Council of the KSCDID.
  18. Within a month after the completion of the final certification of residency students, KSCDID submits a report on the results of the final certification to the authorized body in the field of healthcare.
  19. A list of graduates who graduated from residency programs is attached to the report of the Chairman of the SAC, indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, specialty and number of the issued certificate of completion of residency, signed by the Director of KSCDID.
  20. The following materials are included in the personal file of a student of residency:
  21. a copy of the minutes of the SAC meeting on passing the comprehensive exam;
  22. a copy of the residency completion certificate;
  23. a copy of the transcript on the development of a professional residency curriculum.


  1. Students under the state order must be employed in state medical organizations without fail.
  2. In order to employ residency graduates, the structural unit responsible for residency forms a database of potential employers, a database of vacancies, a database of students in the context of employment in their specialty, a database of students with self-employment.
  3. Residents studying on the basis of a contract for 3-way training are required to find a job in accordance with the contract.
  4. The structural unit responsible for the residency annually holds a “Job Fair” and other events to interact with consumers, employers and other interested parties, and also collects documents from students and arranges referrals of residency graduates to work for employment.
  5. The employment of a residency graduate is formalized by order of the commission for the personal placement of graduates.
  6. Reporting on the employment of residency graduates is provided to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the rules established by the authorized bodies.